Traffic in Vietnam
Vietnam population is 95.000.000 people, but there are 43.000.000 motobikes in Vietnam. You will be stucked in rush hour ussually, specially the traffic is more crowd ed in tourist center, big city. It is normal if you see some unusual thing in this beautyfull country.
Before travelling to Vietnam, you should check first with good taxi. It is very different from Ho Chi Minh, Da Nang, Ha Noi City, The Mai Linh and Hanoi Group taxi are the big taxi companies in Vietam.
Beside, there are some other reliable taxi company such: ACB Taxi, Open Taxi or Thanh Cong Taxi. The fare is quite similar:
This is fare when you spend in city area, if you go futher it is cheaper for return way, except waitting time.
When you take trip to Sai Gon (Ho Chi Minh City), Apart from Mai Linh taxi, the Vina Sun Taxi is easy to find and belivable one.
It is same fare with Mailinh taxi, that you could book from your hotel and easily wave on road.
The airport transfer and pick up.
- The aiport pick – up in Hanoi.
Above taxi company could take you to Hanoi center, however it is much better to order from your hotel cost normally US $18/ 4 seat car and US $22/ 7 seat car.
Order and secure your Car from here with cheaper fare.
- The airport pick up from Danang:
Danang airport is not far from city that you could wave any good taxi. If you go to Hoi an town, the fare from Transfer company and hotel offer normally US$15, you could book here too.
Airport transfer from Ho Chi Minh city is different from hotel location, if you would stay in distrist 2, it is close to airport. But if hotel from some where in distrist 1 the fare of taxi is about 380.000 vnd (US $18)/ 4 seat car.
Lastly, other public transportation:
The budget way to take transport from airport to center is Bus:
Hanoi: Noi bai bus No. 17 old one and New one is VIP No.86 very good price only US $2/ person.
Tan Son Nhat – Ho Chi Minh airport is No.109.
However the bus is not good ideal for very late flight at midnight that you better book car inadvance.
To book the airport transfer, airport pick up see futher from here: